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Multicultural Hair Salon in Stroudsburg, PA

Feel Beautiful Inside & Out

Find inner and outer beauty at Discover Beauty Hair Salon, serving clients with hair loss and other care needs in Stroudsburg, PA at our multicultural hair salon. We strive to touch every customer’s mind, body, and soul while we beautify their hair. You won’t leave the same when you walk into our salon. Every client who visits us gets treated with respect in a warm and inviting family atmosphere. Our state-of-the-art practices and superior-quality products are combined with a pleasant ambiance and friendly service. You will enjoy your time so much you might not want to leave. Our mission is to enhance your inner beauty and confidence while we perfect your hair. We value your time and offer our services at professional standards.

Maxine Brevitt-Pink

Certified Trichologist to Resolve Your Hair Loss

Discover Beauty Hair Salon is owned and operated by Maxine Brevitt-Pink and her trusted staff. Our expert, certified cosmetologists have your hair needs covered, but we specialize in more than weaves and relaxers. If you suffer hair loss or other scalp and hair issues, we are also a certified trichologist. We help you improve and maintain your hair and scalp quality to ensure their optimal health and condition. Our in-depth expertise in cosmetology and trichology is why we are known as one of the top salons in the Poconos. We have a very diverse client base who trusts our team with their beautification. Our services are by appointment only, so we make sure to see each client at their exact time to avoid overlapping appointments.

Our Cosmetic Hair Care Services

As a multicultural hair salon, our team’s in-depth knowledge of various ethnic hair types ensures every client gets exceptional service tailored to their specific needs. Our collection of hair and scalp care services includes hair loss treatment to help you recover your locks when you start losing hair for one of many possible reasons. We also have ample experience treating hair with relaxers to give your hair the style you desire. If a curly perm is a look you want, we perform this service quickly and effectively. Waves are another specialty of ours, and we carefully incorporate them into your existing hair to transform your look with a straight, wavy, or curly mane.

Discover Beauty Hair Salon Interior

Discover Beauty Hair Salon Is Ready to Serve You

If you desire a warm, welcoming environment and certified hair and scalp experts providing salon services, Discover Beauty Hair Salon is ready to help you. We serve clients of various ethnic backgrounds and offer enhancement for their soul, mind, and body as we beautify their hair.

Discover Beauty Hair Salon

5224 Milford Road, Suite 161
East Stroudsburg, PA 18302


Tuesday – Saturday: By Appointment