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Bouncy Curls in Stroudsburg, PA With Curly Perms

A head full of bouncy curls can be a striking look that turns heads. Whether you have thick, wavy hair or finer, straight hair, this eye-catching hairstyle is attainable with professional help from Discover Beauty Hair Salon. We offer our clients of various ethnic backgrounds in Stroudsburg, PA curly perms to liven up their looks. This cosmetic service easily and efficiently adds curls and texture to your strands. The process involves reshaping small sections of your hair by applying chemicals and then wrapping them around rods. Your hair reshapes itself to a curly texture. Our certified cosmetology experts will evaluate your hair to determine the best approach to the curly perm process. Once we finish, you’ll enjoy bouncy curls that last and add to your natural beauty.

black woman with tight curls

We Look Forward to Serving You

Discover Beauty Hair Salon is an establishment that welcomes clients of various cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Our warm and welcoming environment strives to enhance your inner and outer body by treating your mind, body, and soul during beautification.

We proudly offer our clients curly perms to add bounce and texture to their hair. Perms come in many forms, and you can explore the various types to find a look that reflects your style.

Explore the Different Types of Perms

Spiral Perm

If your hair is shoulder-length or longer, this type of perm may be perfect for you. We vertically roll your hair to achieve a spiral shape, resulting in a tight, twisted, and bouncy look. These curls can last up to six months before they loosen, and the style is a great way to give your hair additional volume.

Body Wave Perm

This perm type gives your hair a natural wave and adds volume to it. The look involves creating larger, looser waves using larger rollers, lasting between three and five months. People with straight hair lacking a natural curl are ideal candidates for a body wave perm.

Beach Wave Perm

Women who want a look that resembles just getting back from the beach enjoy beach wave perms. These perms create that “messy in a good way” hairstyle without dealing with sand or saltwater. Hairstylists achieve this look using soft, spongey rollers. You can expect this perm type to last around four months.

Pin Curl Perm

If you have shorter hair and desire a curly head of hair, the pin curl perm gives you tight, bouncy curls using a combination of curlers and pins. Stylists can adjust the roller size to vary the curls’ tightness, and this perm type does not require harsh chemicals. Pin curl perms will last for three to six months.

Schedule an Appointment at Discover Beauty Hair Salon