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Hair Loss Treatment for Our Stroudsburg, PA Clients

No matter what age you are, hair loss can affect your confidence and ability to achieve the desired appearance. Discover Beauty Hair Salon does more than handle your hair styling needs with relaxers, curly perms, and weaves. We are also trained experts in trichology, which addresses hair and scalp health and the conditions afflicting them. Many conditions can impact your hair growth, so we address them with hair loss treatment at our Stroudsburg, PA multicultural salon. Your creeping hairline and thinning hair may be treatable, and our expertise ensures your hair and scalp get certified professional attention.

laughing woman with tight curly hair

Treating Hair & Scalp Conditions

As a certified trichologist, Discover Beauty Hair Salon has training and experience in dealing with various hair and scalp conditions. Some of these conditions can cause hair loss, among other symptoms like itching, flaking, and redness. We approach your hair and scalp health with a wealth of knowledge in identifying these conditions and providing treatment options to stop or slow down hair loss and possibly regain your lost follicles. Every client has a unique scalp, and we treat each case individually to ensure their condition gets the attention it deserves.

Hair & Scalp Conditions That Cause Hair Loss

Scalp Psoriasis

This skin condition on your scalp occurs when your skin grows too rapidly, leading to itchy, flaky, and flushed skin patches. Your skin can be dry and end up cracking and bleeding on the surface. People with scalp psoriasis may also experience some hair loss. The good news is this hair loss is temporary. Your hair will typically grow back after your psoriasis clears.

Androgenetic Alopecia

Men and women can both deal with this common cause of hair loss. The condition results in partial or complete baldness in men and thinning hair over women's entire scalp. Common symptoms include your hairline receding and balding at the crown. Hair transplants and other surgeries may be necessary to treat this condition, but some cases can be resolved or minimized using medication.

Alopecia Areata

This condition involves your body’s immune system attacking healthy hair follicles, leading to hair loss on your scalp and other areas of your body. You may end up with coin-sized patches of hair loss. Alopecia totalis can cause complete hair loss on your scalp. Our experts will evaluate your condition and guide you to treatment to preserve your hair and prevent the condition from progressing.

Discover Beauty Hair Salon Interior

Discover Beauty Hair Salon Helps You Keep Your Hair

If you notice your hair is thinning or your hairline has changed, let the professionals at Discover Beauty Hair Salon examine and treat your hair and scalp. We address your condition and help you recover from hair loss.

Schedule an Appointment at Discover Beauty Hair Salon