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Beautiful Weaves for Your Ideal Length & Style

If you desire a head of long, bouncy hair, growing and treating your natural hair might not be the best solution, depending on its texture, thickness, and other qualities. Sewing a weave into your hair provides long-lasting coverage with strands of natural or synthetic hair—some of which you can dye and heat style like your own hair. Discover Beauty Hair Salon offers flawless placement of weaves at our Stroudsburg, PA multicultural salon. We carefully sew your weave onto your cornrows so that it looks natural and enhances your feeling of beauty.

black woman with long braids

Helping Clients Look & Feel Beautiful in Stroudsburg, PA

A beautiful new head of hair is within easy reach when you schedule professional care for your weave at Discover Beauty Hair Salon. We are ready to help you look and feel your best on the inside and outside.

We want you to enjoy your new weave with natural-looking results and a style and length that please you. We also value education about the various components and types of weaves from which you can choose.

Types of Weaves to Consider

Virgin Hair

This human hair has not been altered by harsh washes, bleach, dye, or chemicals. It comes in various textures, including wavy and curly options. You can dye and heat style virgin hair like your own natural hair.

Synthetic Hair

This option is a synthetic material made to look like human hair. Manufacturers make it using plastic fibers that resemble real hair, but its quality is different. You can find synthetic hair available in various lengths and styles to personalize your look.


A bundle is a collection of hair extension wefts tied together using a ribbon and sold to use as weaves. The hair extension wefts are typically high-quality. Hair vendors who specialize in virgin hair commonly sell this option, and most virgin hair is collected from Asia.

Bulk Hair

This option describes a bundle of hair that a machine has not wefted, so the strands are loose. Stylists typically use bulk hair for braiding or certain hair applications like Brazilian knots. This method of applying hair attaches it to the wearer’s natural hair strand by strand.


Stylists can glue tracks onto someone’s natural hair or sew them onto flat cornrows. A good weave doesn’t show your tracks because they are covered by the other hair extensions or your leave-out.


This collection of bulk or loose hair is sewn together by a machine and then cut into sections so that they fit onto someone’s head.

Schedule an Appointment at Discover Beauty Hair Salon